Safety is one of the most important aspects of having a neighborhood that homeowners want to live in and be a part of. One of the worst things a board or management can do is turn a blind eye to crime, thinking "it won't happen to us." Crime happens everywhere and the best way we can prepare for it is to realize that it could indeed, "happen to us."
Community security is not a one-size meets all venture. There are many ways to help protect a home and a neighborhood from crime, from simple steps like keeping doors locked, starting a Neighborhood Watch program, to full blown security services.
This program will provide information and tools that will help you as a manager or homeowner develop a plan for crime prevention by defining:
the role of management, the Board, homeowners/residents, the "Who does What", relative to crime prevention
ways to communicate crime detection, protection and prevention throughout the community
the liability/responsibility for criminal activity within the community
the insurance issues for associations and residents
the different concerns for Condos, HOAs, private roads, clubhouses, private homes
Educational resources are available to community boards and managers through CAI and the National Crime Prevention Council.