Join us on Monday, May 8th 2023 at Glen Riddle Golf Club!
Schedule of the day:
7:00 am - Sponsor Check-in Opens
9:00 am - Shotgun Start
2:00 pm - Wrap Party
Sponsorship Instructions
All sponsors will be recognized in the Chapter Magazine (The Beacon), on Chapter social media and on our website.
Sponsorships opportunities are listed below:
Sponsorship includes a golf foursome, signage, a speaking opportunity for one company representative at the wrap party and 2 wrap party tickets. Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsorship includes a golf foursome, signage and a speaking opportunity for one company representative at the opening ceremony. Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsorship includes a foursome and a logoed sticker on the boxed lunch. Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsorship includes signage and a table at the orange crush station area where they are free to set up a display with company materials for players to visit during breakfast/registration and the Wrap Party. Sponsorship also includes two wrap party tickets, recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
The course’s Beverage Cart will cover nine holes of the course with the company signage on the cart. A sponsor rep may pass out beverage tickets at the registration area. Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Two wrap party tickets are included.
All players will have a chance to win prizes valued at $10,000. This sponsorship requires you to have a company representative at your hole to witness and validate a hole-in one. You are encouraged to bring enough golf goodies with your company logo for distribution at your display.
Sponsorship also includes signage, two wrap party tickets, recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
*CAI will obtain insurance
Sponsorship includes signage at the hole, opportunity to sit at the hole and two wrap party tickets Sponsor must provide contest prize and game of your choice. Sponsorship also includes two wrap party tickets, recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsorship includes signage at the hole, opportunity to sit at the hole and two wrap party tickets Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsor can display their logo on a logoed tote bag that each player will receive. Chapter will provide the tote bag and snacks/water in the bag. Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Wrap party ticket is not included.
Each player will receive one mulligan coupon. The sponsoring company will have a table at the golf registration area and can distribute these coupons to all players as they check-in. The sponsor may set up a display on their table. Sponsors’ logo will go on coupon. Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Wrap Party ticket is not included.
Sponsorship includes signage at the hole, opportunity to sit at the hole and two wrap party tickets Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsorship includes signage at the hole, opportunity to sit at the hole and two wrap party tickets Sponsorship also includes recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Sponsor a hole on the course! Sponsorship includes signage on the tee box as well recognition in the Beacon magazine, Chapter social media and website.
Wrap party ticket is not included
Come join us for the after party! Appetizers and drinks included!